The Chamberlayne Little League BSB Safety Plan

Purpose:  The purpose of this safety plan is to promote the health and safety of our league participants by providing guidelines for the ability to safely return to playing baseball and softball.

We all know the benefits of playing sports, including promoting physical and mental fitness.  Sports also provide a social construct and interaction which is crucial in a time of uncertainty for our athletes and participants.  In addition, sports can provide a template for young athletes to learn concepts of teamwork, leadership, work ethic, and integrity.

With these recognized benefits, it is important to offer an opportunity to play organized sports in a safe and healthy manner.  It is our intent to provide the following practices to be followed at Chamberlayne Little League baseball fields during our season of play.

Return to Play

First and foremost, all guidance, rules and regulations regarding the return to play must be followed as set forth by the national, state, or local government and health department.  As the Governor of Virginia is allowing returning to sports during Phase II of the Reopening of Virginia Plan, we will adhere to all local and league regulations to safely return participants to play baseball / softball.

Risk Management:


· COVID Coordinator:  Tracy Causey will serve as the COVID Coordinator to oversee all aspects of the COVID risk management plan including development of appropriate resources, implementation, monitoring, updates/changes, communications, volunteer training, regulatory compliance, and answering participant questions regarding COVID 19 concerns.

· Compliance with State and Local Guidelines:  CLL will make sure the league is in compliance with all state and local COVID guidelines including return to play dates and maximum group sizes.

· Training:  CLL will train all players and volunteers on appropriate cleaning and disinfection, hand hygiene, and respiratory etiquette.

· COVID Self-Reporting:  CLL will be familiar with and comply with all regulatory requirements, privacy policies, and information sharing regulations as regards to COVID-19 self-reporting of symptoms or positive tests by players or volunteers as well as by related family members with whom they have had close contact.

· Spread Out Scheduling Of Practice And Games: CLL will implement procedures to ensure there is enough time between practices and games to allow one team to vacate the fields before the next team enters as well as for proper sanitation of surfaces and other equipment.

Communications: CLL will disseminate information to all participants, i.e., volunteers, players, parents, and spectators about the COVID risk and practices that will be undertaken to mitigate risks.  Information will be disseminated by way of email, social media, coach meetings, and public announcements as appropriate.

· Self-Reporting Of COVID Symptoms: CLL will disseminate information to concerned parties about any COVID-19 incident while complying with all regulatory requirements and privacy laws.

· Meetings: CLL will consider canceling in-person volunteer meetings and replace with Zoom meetings or conferencing by telephone whenever possible in order to minimize COVID 19 risks

Pre-Practice / Game

·Stay Home When Appropriate: Players, volunteers, parents, and spectators will be instructed in communications to stay home when they are showing symptoms of COVID-19, have a temperature over 100.4 Fahrenheit, have tested positive for COVID-19, or have had close contact with a person with COVID-19.

· Symptom Checking: CLL will require all coaches to  conduct pre-event observation and/or questioning of all players and volunteers about the existence of any COVID symptoms including cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, chills, repeated shaking with chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat, loss of taste or smell, diarrhea, feeling feverish or a measured temperature greater than or equal to 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit, or known close contact with person who is confirmed to have COVID-19.

· Temperature Check: Players, volunteers, parents, and spectators will be asked to take their own temperature before leaving the house and they should stay at home with any reading of 100.4 Fahrenheit or higher.

· No Congregation: Players and team volunteers should not congregate prior to a practice or game and should stay in cars until right before warm-ups for the practice or game and should avoid other groups that are leaving the prior practice or game.

· Team Check-In Process:  Team volunteers and players should continue social distancing during the team check-in process for practices and games. There should be a single point of contact for teams during practices or games.

· Disinfect Hard Surfaces: When arriving at team seating or designated areas, team volunteers should disinfect all hard surfaces such as benches, railings, and equipment racks.

Post-Practice or Game
Cleaning: Team volunteers will clean and dispose of all trash from player seating or designated areas when departing practice or games.

No Congregation: Players and team volunteers should quickly exit the practice or playing location after the event and go directly to their cars without congregating with other teams or spectators in common areas

Social Distancing


Personal Protective Equipment and Personal Disinfectants



Playing Equipment








When Someone Gets COVID-19 Or Has Close Contact


·         CLL will ensure that volunteers and family members understand that any sick person should not attend any activities and that they should notify the COVID coordinator if they or any other staff member or player becomes sick with COVID-19 symptoms, tests positive, or has had close contact with someone who has COVID-19 symptoms or has tested positive.

·         If COVID Symptoms Exhibited During Practice or Game: If a player or staff member exhibits symptoms during an event, they should immediately be separated and sent home or to a health care facility depending on the severity of the symptoms. They should not be allowed to return to activity until they have met the CDC criteria to discontinue home isolation.

·         Player Or Volunteer Has Close Contact: Anyone with close contact with a person exhibiting symptoms should also be separated and sent home and should follow CDC guidelines for self-monitoring and procedures for community-related exposures.

·         Cleaning / Disinfecting Surfaces: Any areas, surfaces, or shared objects used by a sick person will be closed off and not used until after cleaning and disinfecting. If possible, it is recommended to wait at least 24 hours before cleaning and disinfecting.

·         Notification: CLL will notify local health officials, volunteers, and family members immediately of any lab confirmed case of COVID-19 while complying with local state and privacy and confidentiality laws as well as with the Americans With Disabilities Act.






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